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Monday, June 28, 2010


Gasoline - petrol
Truck - Lorry
Baggage - Luggage
Blow-out - Puncture
Sidewalk - Pavement
Line - Queue
Vacation - Holiday
Trunk (of car) - Boot
Hood (of car) - Bonnet
Cab - Taxi
Freeway - Motorway
Round trip - Return
Railway car - Railway carriage
Engineer (on train) - Engine driver
Baby carriage – pram

Antenna - Aerial
Elevator - Lift
Eraser - Rubber
Apartment - Flat
Closet - Wardrobe
Drapes - Curtains
Faucet - Tap
Kerosene - Paraffin
Scotch tape - Sellotape
Yard - Garden
Cookie - Biscuit
Candy - Sweets
Garbage ¬- Rubbish
Diaper - Nappy
Panti-hose - Tights

A bill - A (bank) note - A check ( in a café)
The first floor - The ground floor - The second floor
Pants ¬– Trousers - Underpants
Potato chips - Potato crisps - French fries
Purse - A handbag - A wallet
Subway - An underground railway - An underpass
Vest - A waistcoat - An undershirt
Wash up - Wash your hands - Wash the dishes

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